Guest Blog: Young Dementia Network
The Young Dementia Network is an online influencing community working collaboratively to improve lives of people living with young onset dementia and their families now and create positive change for the future. Launched in 2016 the Network is hosted by Dementia UK.
We have a membership of almost 6,000 that includes people with a diagnosis of young onset dementia, family members, professionals from health and social care, academic researchers and the voluntary sector. This breadth of membership brings us a range of experience and expertise which is vital for the work we do together.
As a Network we understand the importance of research and ensuring we have the evidence to advocate for better support and services for families living with young onset dementia. We have a research and evidence workstream, a group of academic researchers who have an active interest in young onset dementia research. This group meets throughout the year to review current young onset dementia research projects and discuss how we can better support and promote research in this area.
The Network features research relevant to young onset dementia in our regular newsletter and there is a dedicated research section on our website that includes a listing of the most prominent subjects relating to young onset dementia and a research blog.
We regularly feature research in our webinars to ensure that we highlight findings to the professionals that work with people with young onset dementia. Resources created from the research evidence are promoted to professionals to improve practice, and to people affected to improve lives.
To find out more about the Network and join as a member, please visit the Young Dementia Network website