SDRC Annual Report 2023/24

The SDRC are delighted to announce the launch of the Annual Report 2023/24

This report outlines what research has been ongoing in dementia and brain health research in Scotland from 2023. 

Every year, the SDRC conducts a mapping exercise of the Scottish dementia and brain health research landscape. We publish results of this which covers who is doing research in Scotland, their grant awards, published papers and international collaborators. 

Highlights of these results include:

  • We attracted 51 research grant awards, totaling £16.5 million in research grants.
  • Over 900 Scottish-based researchers either contributed to a research paper or had been part of a grant application over 1500 times.
  • Researchers published 352 papers into scientific journals.
  • We collaborated with almost 1500 international researchers in 42 countries 

    Click here to read the SDRC Annual Report 2023/24 in full

    You can read a summary of the report here

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    The SDRC is the biggest network of dementia and brain health research in Scotland. We all work together to celebrate and grow the research community.

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