SDRC Annual Report 2019/20
The SDRC are delighted to announce the launch of the Annual Report 2019/20
This Annual Report is building on the success of last year’s Impact Report, part of SDRC’s commitment to championing dementia research taking place across Scotland.
We have provided an overview on the research that has taken place in 2019 and future ambitions from the perspectives of each of the SDRC themes: Diagnosis, Fundamental Science, Living with Dementia, Prevention and Brain Health, and the Scottish Dementia Informatics Partnership.
Our Report 2019/20 also contains an update of our mapping data of dementia research, including research from 2019.
The results once again demonstrate the significant contribution and key position of Scotland to global dementia and brain health research over the past five years. Scotland has been awarded 270 grants totalling £113 million of funding during this time.
We have had 721 active dementia researchers over the last five years, with an additional 148 PhD students. They are working across all disciplines of dementia and brain health research and are presented within the SDRC themes.
To find out more about dementia and brain-health research activity in Scotland, click here to read the full SDRC Annual Report 2020
How can I be a part of the SDRC?
The SDRC is the biggest network of dementia and brain health research in Scotland. We all work together to celebrate and grow the research community.
Membership is free and open to all.