National Workshops- Patient Public Involvement

National Workshops- Patient Public Involvement

NHS Research Scotland (NRS) has funded a small bid from the Universities of Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee and Glasgow to run some Patient Public Involvement (PPI) Workshops. The idea of the workshops is to have a collective dialogue about how we progress PPI in...
New SDRC Executive Committee Member: Stina Saunders

New SDRC Executive Committee Member: Stina Saunders

Our final announcement of new SDRC Executive Committee members is Stina Saunders. We are delighted to have Stina joining us and look forward to working with her and all the new members. Find out more about Stina in the blog below.   I am in the final year of my PhD at...
Alzheimer Disease International Clinician Survey

Alzheimer Disease International Clinician Survey

This year Alzheimer’s Disease International has commissioned McGill University, Montreal, Canada to produce this year’s World Alzheimer Report on diagnosis, as well as the 2022 World Alzheimer Report on post-diagnostic support. The first of three surveys...
New SDRC Executive Committee Member: Dr Tom Russ

New SDRC Executive Committee Member: Dr Tom Russ

Following our recent SDRC Executive Committee election, we have seven new researchers join us.  The full list of members is available here. We are delighted to announce Dr Tom Russ as one of the newest members. Find out more about Tom below.  I trained in medicine and...
New SDRC Executive Committee Member- Dr Mario Parra Rodriguez

New SDRC Executive Committee Member- Dr Mario Parra Rodriguez

Following the SDRC Executive Committee 2021 elections, we are delighted to introduce our new members. Today’s blog post features Dr Mario Parra Rodriguez. Read more about Mario below I graduated as a Medical Doctor in 1993 and as a Clinical Neurophysiologist in...