NHS Research Scotland (NRS) has funded a small bid from the Universities of Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee and Glasgow to run some Patient Public Involvement (PPI) Workshops. The idea of the workshops is to have a collective dialogue about how we progress PPI in Scotland. These discussions will need Patients and those with lived experience, Researchers, Policy Makers and the Third Sector to share their experiences and aspirations for PPI in Scotland.

Details of what workshops that are available are below. Click each link to sign up. 


Date/time Workshop

Wednesday 31 March


Grant Applications and Funding in PPI

Monday 12 April


What Can We do to Develop a More Visible PPI Community in Scotland?

Wednesday 14 April


How do We Further Increase, Build and Sustain PPI in Scotland?

Monday 19 April


PPI in Neuroprogressive and Dementia Research in the NHS and Care Settings 

Tuesday 20 April


PPI During Covid-19: Working with Covid and Long Covid Patients

Friday 23 April


Preparing Patients for Getting Involved in PPI Activities

Wednesday 28 April


What Can We do to Develop a More Visible PPI Community in Scotland?+



Friday 30 April


How do We Further Increase, Build and Sustain PPI in Scotland?+

 We are repeating the workshops ‘What Can We do to Develop a More Visible PPI Community in Scotland?’ and ‘How do We Further Increase, Build and Sustain PPI in Scotland?’. This is simply to allow as many people as possible to attend – you do not need to attend both