As you may have seen, the SDRC have started a blog series featuring bios from ECRs. Read the series so far here. Today’s bio is of Anca Sandu-Giuraniuc from the University of Aberdeen.
Anca is a postdoctoral research fellow working in Aberdeen Biomedical Imaging Centre. Her research is focussed on using cutting-edge methods of brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data analysis to answer clinical questions. Her career has been shaped through experience with leading teams from Norway, France and UK.
Relocating to Aberdeen in 2012, to the brain ageing team of Professor Alison Murray, she brought the developed methodology on brain structural complexity, updated it and published the first ever longitudinal study of age-related decline in brain complexity and she defined the complexity as a new measure of cognitive reserve. Her current research is focussed on prediction of age-related cognitive decline from brain imaging changes and life-course data.
Keep up to date with the ECR blogs and with SDRC activity by following the SDRC on Twitter; @SDRC_Research
There is still time to blog for us! If you are, or know, a PhD student or ECR that would like to showcase your current work, please get in touch