Researchers Glasgow Brain Injury Research Group (GBIRG) led by Associate Professor Willie Stewart, have published their findings reporting a link between a footballers’ outfield position and neurodegenerative risk. 

Taking place at the University of Glasgow, as part of the FIELD study, the researcher team looked at health records data for around 8,000 Scottish former professional footballers and 23,000 matched general population controls and explored whether risk of neurodegenerative disease varied by player position, length of career or playing era. The findings suggest outfield players have a higher dementia risk than goalkeepers, with defenders being at the highest risk.

You can find out more about this research on the University of Glasgow website.

Media reaction is available here on the BBC website, and a link to an interview with project lead Willie Stewart on BBC Scotland’s The Nine

If you would like to see further independent expert reaction to this study, visit the Science Media Centre

The reaction to these findings demonstrates the immense impact that dementia and brain health research ongoing in Scotland is having throughout the world. We look forward to and will keep you updated with further developments. You can follow Willie Stewart and the Glasgow Brain Injury Research Group for the most up to date information on this study.

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