ECR Presentation Opportunities

This year’s conference will showcase the world-leading dementia research taking place across Scotland. We are also delighted to provide researchers and external organisations the platform to present your work to our delegates.

Even at this virtual conference, we will facilitate opportunity for you to interact and have conversations with conference attendees.

Please see the opportunities below, for more information get in touch at or call  0141 410 0104

Oral Presentations for ECRs

At the SDRC Conference, we always want to promote the research of ECRs. In addition to posters, we have limited availability for early career researchers to present a 10 minute presentation as part of our afternoon ECR session.

Presentations will be booked on a first come first serve basis.

If you would like to express an interest in presenting at the Conference, email or call 0141 410 0104

Opportunities to express interest in doing a presentation will close 7th June 2021.

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SDRC Support for Early Career Researchers

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The launch of the SDRC Annual Report 2019/20

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Treating dementia, what’s next and how do we get there?

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