The SDRC are excited to be part of a new collaborative research alliance, supported by the Scottish Funding Council. 

The Scottish Brain Health Alliance for Research Challenge (ARC) is a project that will receive up to £600,000 to create multi-disciplinary, cross-sector teams to strengthen and accelerate bids for major research grants, including funding from overseas.

The Brain Health ARC, which is led by SDRC Executive Committee Chair Dr Terry Quinn, will involve a large number of stakeholders including the Scottish Dementia Research Consortium.

Terry told the University of Glasgow “This is an important time for brain health research, we have new drugs, new services and the promise of new research investment specific to ageing. Scotland is ideally placed to capitalise on this and has potential to become the world leader in brain health research. With the support of the Scottish Funding Council, I am excited about bringing together researchers, clinicians, policy makers and people with lived experience to create new research projects in the brain health space.”

The aim of this alliance is to create and support new cross sectoral, multidisciplinary collaborations with a shared vision of improving our nation’s brain health, making Scotland the ‘go to’ destination for brain health research, and ultimately finding solutions to the societal challenges associated with brain ageing. The SFC ARC will help us achieve this aim by supporting meetings, early career researcher training, public engagement and many other exciting activities.

The strategy and next steps of the Brain Health ARC will feature heavily in the programme for the SDRC Conference 2023. If you want to be part of shaping the activities of the ARC, make sure you sign up for the Conference here. 




Meet the rest of the Executive Committee

Our SDRC Executive Committee are researchers and contain representation from different career stages, institutions and research disciplines. They are active in supporting the work of the SDRC and dementia and brain health research more widely

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