Edinburgh Dementia Prevention are hosting a brain health summer school on Monday 26 September – Thursday 29 September 2022, at St Leonard’s Hall, Edinburgh. It is is a 4-day interactive course designed principally for trainee and qualified clinicians,...
On the 26-27 May 2022, the Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance (SULSA), the Scottish Dementia Research Consortium, Brain Health Scotland and Alzheimer Scotland hosted world leaders in Life Sciences at a summit at the University of St Andrews. This two-day...
The SDRC Annual Report 2022, launched at the SDRC Annual Conference on Monday 9th May. It outlines what research has been ongoing in dementia and brain health research in Scotland in the past 12 months. It includes the updates from each of the SDRC Research Themes, as...
The Scottish Dementia Research Consortium, Brain Health Scotland and Alzheimer Scotland are delighted to announce the appointment of Henry McLeish as the Chair of the Scottish Brain Health and Dementia Research Strategy Oversight Board. In July 2021, the SDRC,...
The Alzheimer Scotland Centre for Policy and Practice (ASCPP) has launched its Annual Celebration Report, 2021. It has a focus on education success and also features their work in applied research and their support of evidence based policy and practice work. We are...
On 3rd December 2021, the NHS Research Scotland Neuroprogressive and Dementia Research Network (NRS NDN) launched a new strategy. It sets out the Network’s intention to involve, engage with, and support people with lived experience of neuroprogressive...