Founding SDRC Executive Committee Member Debbie Tolson Retires

Founding SDRC Executive Committee Member Debbie Tolson Retires

After a remarkable career dedicated to advancing dementia research and practice, Professor Debbie Tolson is stepping down from her role as an Executive Committee Member of the Scottish Dementia Research Consortium. A founding member of the SDRC since its inception in...
Confident Conversations for Research Participation

Confident Conversations for Research Participation

Confident Conversations is a collaboration between the Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network (NDN) and Alzheimer Scotland. It is a forward-thinking initiative to assist in enabling everyone with dementia to be offered the opportunity to participate in research. This...
Researcher Blog: Doing Rapid COVID research

Researcher Blog: Doing Rapid COVID research

Today’s SDRC blog provides insights from three investigators and offers tips on doing rapid COVID research. George Palattiyil, Sarah Swift and Debbie Tolson have shared their experiences of working together remotely and the process of the research, from the...